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Welcome to BBD!

The Bachelor in Business Administration at TAC is an ideal pathway to a professional career. Employment opportunities span the globe in business, government, and the not-for-profit sector.


You will get comprehensive training and explore complementary disciplines. The flexibility of the program allows you to experience a variety of business disciplines before choosing your major. There are 13 business subjects available, and many electives to choose from. You can also study Theology, Health Promotion, or Church Ministry as part of your degree or obtain a duel degree program.


The faculty members are renowned worldwide for excellence in teaching and research. They collaborate in international research projects and publish significant works that inform industries across the globe.

Our advisers will help you with everything you need, including course advice and administrative queries.


You have access to extracurricular activities that bridge the gap between theory and practice. School activities are fun, challenging, and interesting. You belong to the global Adventist education network system.

雙語商務系是通往未來專業生涯的絕佳途徑,就業機會拓 及全球。

身為雙語商務系的學生,您會受到整合性的商業訓練,與 完備的英語訓練。有十三門商業科目、十五門英文課程, 與充足的選修可供選擇。

雙語商務系擁有最優良的師資,於研究及教學方面見長, 他們也參與國際研究與教學。

三育基督學院預備了豐富有趣的課外活動,讓學生多方體 驗並結合實務。我們是全球復臨教育體系的一份子,歡迎 您加入我們的大家庭

Taiwan Adventist College
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電話Phone: +886492897047/ +886928 97047
Address: 39 Chunhwen Lane, Yu Chih Village, Nantou County 555, Taiwan R.O.C)

地址:555 南投縣魚池鄉瓊文巷39號


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